KIDS FIRST! Junior Film Critics Curriculum
Becoming a Film Critic
SESSION SEVEN: Evaluating a Program Using the KIDS FIRST! criteria
Time: 60 minutes
A. Welcome transparency up. Sign in sheet.
B. Review Homework:
Media Log. Write on board. Share. Ask if they noticed anything new in their own
Give us your 6th Review. Share two or three.
How many reviewed Goonies? How many did another title? Like what?
Share reviews with group.
C. Show the KIDS FIRST! criteria transparency and the KIDS FIRST! evaluation form. Discuss.
Ask, "Who knows what evaluation means?" (1. To determine or set the value or amount of., 2. To appraise., 3. To Judge according to a standard.)
Discuss how KIDS FIRST! uses these criteria to evaluate and endorse films, videos, interactive media, and web sites.
Define appeal, content, production values, benefits.
Have a 3-star KIDS FIRST! rated title available. Let them know we're going to watch it and evaluate it.
D. Show the All-Star check list.
Discuss, "How would you let people know which are the best and which are not?
KIDS FIRST! rates them with 1-, 2- or 3-stars to indicate good, better, or best.
E. Prepare to watch a 3-star KIDS FIRST! rated title. (Find online) (Loretta Claiborne Story).
Have volunteer read KIDS FIRST! Junior Film Critics Club evaluation rules prior to watching.
Use the Coaching sheet as a guide for leading the evaluation discussion.
F. Homework Assignment: Volunteer reads assignments.
Media log.
Write your 1st solo evaluation. Use the evaluation form and coaching sheet. Choose a program from your media log or KIDS FIRST! website.
Focus on appeal, story, character behavior, production values, and benefits.
Remember the evaluation rules: Make notes while you watch. Use complete sentences. Give your reason for your opinion. Use a comment only once. Have fun. Use enthusiasm as you write. And remember, there are no right or wrong opinions.
OPTIONAL: Share your opinions with your friends.
Get some of your friends together and go to the movies together, then critique them as a group. Share some of the exercises you've done looking at violence, stereotypes and bias with them so that they're more aware of these in the movie. Encourage everyone to share their point of view and debate the pros and cons of the film.
Session 8